For any questions please email

Application form

1. Personal information


Upload a recent headshot photograph

Info Icon Requirements: JPEG/PNG file, less than 1MB (It does not need to be a professional headshot)


Info Icon Please provide the address where you are currently living

Gender Identity *

Which gender do you identify with?

Pronouns *

Which pronouns do you prefer to use?

Info Icon Why do we ask for your pronouns? We ask about your pronouns to foster a respectful and inclusive environment for everyone. Using the correct pronouns helps us acknowledge and support your identity.

2. Programme choice *

Info Icon You can apply either for BA (Hons)/Foundation or MA:
(Maximum of 3 programmes)

Bachelor degrees and Foundation programmes

Masters Programmes

3. Select audition *

Info Icon These are the auditions available for the programmes you have selected:
(You can only select one audition to attend)

Info Icon You need to select a programme before you choose which audition

4. Skills and experience *

Please write down how many years of training do you have for each discipline

Please provide more information about your experience and training in the performing arts. Feel free to add any other relevant skills. *

(100-500 words)

0 words

Why did you choose to apply for this programme at the IAB? *

(50-200 words)

0 words

5. Career goals and aspirations *

What are your career aims and aspirations? How do you anticipate that studying at the IAB will help you achieve these? *

(100-200 words)

0 words

4. Prior Experience *

Please upload your most recent performance/creative CV (in English)

Info Icon Requirements: PDF

5. Personal Statement *

In 1000-1200 words, please answer the following:

• Why you wish to join the programme.

• What you will bring to the programme through your prior artistic and professional experience and collaborations.

• How you define creative performance practice in relation to your specialism (acting or music theatre).

• A weak point related to your practice that you would like to develop.

• How you understand the differences between working independently as an individual artist and in a collaborative way as part of an interdisciplinary environment.

0 words

6. Qualifications *

Info Icon Please select if you have already achieved the academic qualification required to enter your chosen programme, or if you are still studying for it (in progress).
More information about admission requirements.

Achieved qualifications only:

In-progress qualifications only:

(Optional) Please upload any relevant qualifications you have already achieved or your current transcripts

7. English skills *

Do you have an official English Language qualification?

If you already have an English qualification, upload it here:

Info Icon

If you don't have an English qualification yet:

  • You can still apply now.
  • You will be required to present an English qualification at a later date.
  • 8. Source *

    How did you find out about the IAB?

    Please specify which social media:

    9. Identification *

    Are you an EU/EEA passport holder? *

    Info Icon You will be required to obtain a student visa (The IAB will provide advice on this)

    10. Additional support needs *

    Do you have any additional medical, disability or learning support needs?

    11. Tuition Fee Payer *

    Are you the tuition fee payer? 



    I understand that if I have knowingly supplied false information on this application, the Institute of the Arts Barcelona shall have the right to cancel my application and shall have no claim against the Institute of the Arts Barcelona. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information supplied on this form is correct. I understand that all information on this form will only be used for application to, and potential registration at, the Institute. I have read, understand and I agree to abide by the terms and conditions. I have also read and understood the published programme specification for the programme I am applying to, and understood the admissions criteria.

    You can find more information: Application Terms and Conditions


    For more information about data protection, please read our Privacy Policy, Legal Notice and Application Terms and Conditions.

    Application ID:

    Full name



    Applying for

    There are no programmes yet

    Selected audition

    There is no audition selected yet